Are you tired of answering the same questions from new people, day after day? Yeah, me too. I love helping people but we desperately need a Visitor Center. Located right in the plaza of the City Center. A place where new people can go for directions, to find events, and to learn the basics of getting around in Somnium Space. How else are they going to know what to do? Once you are in Somnium Space, you're pretty much on your own unless you can hunt down another user to give you a helping hand. And this Visitor Center MUST be in the City Center. Otherwise new people will not find it. I am sure we are losing dozens of new people every day because they are confused and lost. They're not going to check out a web site or scour Discord for answers once they are actually in Somnium Space. If you need someone to build this thing, I gladly volunteer my services. Let's git 'er done!